Learn Digital Marketing – Sure Shot Way To Become an Expert
Are you confused if you are the one who should learn digital marketing? If yes then why! Let me help you figure out the answers to your questions. You might have heard about the term digital marketing from any of your friends, colleagues or somebody else. This term might have fascinated you and it would have ignited a spark in your heart to learn about digital marketing.
Now the question is who can learn digital marketing. There could be many reasons to learn digital marketing. Let’s try and figure out if you are the one who should be learning digital marketing.
The last couple of decades have seen an internet revolution, so much so that the entire world will be digital in the coming years. This enormous digitization has brought the world closer, making it a better place.
Earlier we could not have even thought about purchasing something online, but here we are consuming basic needs right from groceries and medicines online too.
These were all brought together by the digitalization of the market. Any product or service can be offered online even though present at different locations. This constitutes the essence of digital marketing.
When the products or services were set up online, there started a need to market the same online. This way an awareness was brought about by the company to the consumers on a business to the consumer level. Marketing was also required for the business to business level.
This effective way of marketing states the knowledge about the company, what are the services or the products involved, and what benefits they provide the consumers. This was important not only to the businesses but to the consumers as well, because this created a sense of awareness about the quality of the service and the products.
There are mainly four main marketing techniques involved in the digital world that needs to be concentrated on:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – This technique essentially constitutes the page ranking to make your webpage stand out from the rest on the popular search engine websites such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. To do the optimization technique, the content on the website has to be in line with the search keywords keyed into the web. This being the essence of content marketing, the content has to be created accordingly.
- Social Media Optimization (SMO) – social media plays a vital role in the digital marketing industry. This is because of the reach the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc have. An average user spends about thirty to forty percent of his time on various social media platforms. Hence the optimization has to be done using social media and this constitutes engaging posts with good content using photos and videos that are related. There are software tools available that do this or even a good web marketer who can do.
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Search Engine Marketing is closely associated with Search Engine Optimization because of both drive traffic into the website. However, the difference is that the search engine marketing is a paid traffic driven concept against the search engine optimization techniques. Usually, in the SEM, the paid ads are shown which drive the traffic and this increases the website awareness and the products associated with it. PPC (Pay Per Click) is a popular technique that is involved in the SEM and it drives immediate results without having a wait time.
- Social Media Marketing (SMM) – The Social Media Marketing technique involves promotion through social media by display advertisements that the advertisers pay once the user clicks on the advertisements. The ads are displayed as a part of the promotion on social media platforms. Sometimes the user has a choice to click it or not and sometimes the ads are displayed as part of the videos on a popular social media site. Usually, the ads are also customized based on the usage and the requirement of the user and recommended accordingly.
Now that we are aware of the main essence of digital marketing, we can explore the ways in which someone can learn how to do digital marketing.
How to Learn Digital Marketing:
– If you are a novice in the field and you want to start learning digital marketing all by yourself, you must have a lot of patience. That being said, the strategies have to be implemented in such a way that the results get higher over time. This is possible when the key focus area is identified correctly. After the identification of the key area, the content on the website has to be developed to match it. Many blogs can be written that feature your business’s name that can lead to traffic.
– The photo and the video content has to be developed in order to reach the user and bring him into the website. The advertisements have to be crisp and to the point so as to gain a lot of attention from the viewer. When the ads are customized based on the search-driven results, they have to be monitored so that they are reaching the right target audiences. This being said, we can sum it up as a suitable analytical skilled person will be able to figure out the right strategy over a period of time.
– There are numerous video tutorials on sites such as Youtube that tutor various digital marketing techniques. One by one they can be tried and implemented for the businesses as per the want of the business.
– If you are an avid reader, there are always great books on digital marketing that can be read. Digital Marketing for Dummies by Wiley is a recommended read. It covers almost every aspect of digital marketing. Also, a book can be chosen based on just the topics you would want to learn exclusively. For example, you can just pick up a book based on SEO content. You can move on to other topics over time and need.
– If you are looking for digital marketing in a nutshell, joining a course at a nearby institute can really make it easier. There are also complete courses available online which can be opted from any location. This way, a broad area of digital marketing can be covered overall. A good institute can be chosen by scanning through the contents that are taught.
Unlike earlier marketing techniques of the real world, digital marketing techniques are quantifiable and that gives us the power to leverage them to the best. So essentially the key lies in figuring out what exactly is needed for your business and implementing the procedures according to it. Researching and experimenting will surely get you there.
Are you the one who should Learn Digital Marketing?
I’ve created a list of people based on certain criteria who should be learning Digital Marketing. Have a look and see if you fall into either of the categories. Followed by the category you will see how learning digital marketing can be beneficial for you if you fall under any category mentioned below. Let’s get started.
Digital Marketing For Entrepreneurs

So if you an entrepreneur or want to be one Digital marketing is going to be very important for you to learn. It will be an additional tool that will add on to your skill sets.
Every business needs marketing. We know that as well marketing activities are more taking place online now.
So being an entrepreneur with an aim to start a business or already having a startup with the skills to promote your business yourself without hiring another professional will be a great idea.
It will save you some money as well. And you know it better nobody will be 100% dedicated to your business but you.
You will do the best for your business. So what are you waiting for?
Digital Marketing For Students

Newly out of college or about to leave college? So chances are there you may not know what to do next. If you look at digital marketing as an opportunity to get a job then it is good.
Many students land up with a great job as per their skills and the creativity to produce results in this industry.
Even being a fresher you can have a job paying better than many of your friends.
You can learn about digital marketing from many online resources available. You could just go to Google and type ‘how to learn digital marketing at home‘.
Watch videos on Youtube or read blogs within this industry. There is plenty of data available online if you wish to learn and get your career a kick start. I recommend going and check out Neil Patel’s blog.
Digital Marketing For Working Professionals

Are you already a working professional? A possibility is You may want to change the domain in which you are working. You may have come across the term “Digital Marketing” and it sounds cool.
You can now learn digital marketing from home as well. Even if you want to join an institute where you want to help with professional trainers, you can do that. You can also check Online courses for Digital Marketing by Udemy and Coursera.
It will give you a boost in your industry mainly if you are into Marketing. You can have a career in digital marketing.
There are higher chances of landing at a better job for people with a marketing background.
Even if you aren’t from the same background, you can switch very easily by learning
Digital Marketing For Housewives

So if you are a housewife, You may be looking forward to a job where you can work from home.
Digital Marketing will be the perfect choice for you. There are plenty of job opportunities available for the housewives movies to work from home.
They can pick up freelancing jobs in the field of digital marketing and start working from home.
There is nothing such as digital marketing minimum qualification.
In the beginning, all you need to have in a laptop and an Internet connection are the basic amenities but you will need the Desire to learn.
You can sit in the comfort of your house and make money with the extra time that you have. There is no need to go to an office thanks slog make some extra bucks to have a good life
Digital Marketing For Bloggers

Now when I say digital marketing as a thing for bloggers, it might be confusing for many of you. You may take blogging or Digital Marketing as the same thing that let me tell you both are different.
A blogger can be somebody who has his own website or a blog a person who writes for other websites.
Chances of a blogger knowing digital marketing are high compared to a normal person. It is not necessarily true that a person who blogs on a regular basis knows about digital marketing.
Blogger having a skill set of a digital marketer like SEO can do wonders.
The knowledge of digital marketing or Search Engine Optimisation, in particular, can help him grow his blog traffic from nothing to a good number.
So basically digital marketing can be a good option for bloggers to learn about as it will help them scale their blogs to new Heights. Which blogger will like to invest their time and energy into writing a great piece of content on their blogs but not having anybody to read those blogs?’
Hope this article will help you to understand if you should learn digital marketing or not and also how you can learn digital marketing for the kind of profession you are into.
Let me know if there is something I missed out or something you would want to add in the comment section. Please share it with people looking for a career in digital marketing whom you think this article can help