Should I Start a Blog

Should I Start a Blog? The pros & cons of being a blogger in 2021 defined

Hello Reader!

Should I Start a Blog is the Question on Your Mind!

Well, let me help you find your answer.

In this post, we will talk about 5 reasons why you should start your blog today.

Why Should I Start a Blog? And How will Blogging Benefit Me?

There could be different reasons that can motivate each to turn towards blogging. It may depend on the field in which you are presently working or exploring. In this article, I’ll cover some of the main reasons why you should start your blog today and Benefits of Blogging as well. So let’s get started!

1. Start Blogging For Business Growth

Start Blogging For Business Growth

Are you running a business? Maybe yes.

Do you know that Blogging for business can fetch you sweet fruits in the long run!

That’s right! Blogging can help you grow your business in many ways. When you start blogging on your business website, it becomes a platform for your customers to acquire knowledge and information about the products or services you sell.

Having a blog on your website increases your credibility in the market. It shows that you are aware of the product or service that your business is related to. Not only it becomes a platform for your existing customers to gain knowledge about your products or services, but also it can bring in more potential customers. Your blog post or page will increase the chances of your website appearing in the search engine results when a person is looking for a piece of information related to your business.

So having a blog on your website increase the traffic to your site that comes from various search engines. A higher amount of traffic means more chances of you generating leads. This will overall reduce the cost that you would be spending on paid advertising campaigns. If you’re able to get impactful results in SEO, It would help your business in the longer run.

There will be a continuous flow of traffic to your website without paying anything for a longer period. You will get a platform to advertise your products or services without even spending anything on it. The number of sales that you make will increase due to the higher quality traffic to your website.

2. Make Money Blogging

Make Money Blogging

Do you know that there are so many bloggers who earn a lot of money just by blogging? They earn more money than what a person can gain from a full-time job. If you are going to take blogging seriously, then you are going to make a lot of money if you wish to.

There are so many ways you can make money online. It entirely depends on your potential and capabilities that how you bring in that money to your pockets. Also when we talk about how much money that again depends on your abilities to provide value to the internet.

So now let’s talk about the sources from which you can make money while blogging. Say you run a blog with the right amount of traffic on it. You can lend some space of your pages to the advertising platforms like Google Adsense. Google will utilize that ad space that you let them used for showing their ads on your website.

When a person who is on your website clicks on an ad that is shown by the advertising agent, you will get paid. Every single time anybody clicks on an ad that is displayed on your website the money goes your pocket. You can use platforms like Google and Amazon to use such services.

You can turn towards affiliate marketing as well. By affiliate marketing, you can promote the services or products sold by other people. If somebody makes a successful purchase through the link that you have shared, you will get a commission out of that sale.

You can also promote other businesses within your industry. The companies can pay you for mentioning them on your website or supporting them in any way. You can sell various online programs as well.

3. Connect with People through Blogging

Connect with People through Blogging

Blogging is a platform which gives you an opportunity to connect with people throughout the world. You can get in touch with like-minded people. You can build a community or an audience. Also, you can get in touch with the bloggers of a similar industry from other parts of the world.

Blogging provides you with a platform where you can express your thoughts and ideas. Those thoughts and beliefs lead to the creation of content. That content is made available to the visitors and people can read it in any part of the world.  They can share back their views onto the same in the form of comments or reaching out to the author directly.

So if you are looking to connect with some more people within the circle of your interest, start blogging about that topic. Others will notice your work if that is good enough. It will help you build your online presence. You can get in touch with people and make friends with them.

You can grow a robust professional circle where you can have people from different parts of the world in your contact list. It then becomes a chain where the ideas and knowledge are shared. You can enhance your understanding when you get to connect with other people from your community.

4. Help Others Through Blogging

Help Others Through Blogging

Blogging can be very resourceful to others. Say you are an expert in a particular field and you start writing about it. You with the knowledge you have will help the others as well. You are being productive and giving something valuable to the community.

There may be people out there within your industry looking for answers to their problems. With your answers or information, their problems may be solved. You can help out others to find solutions to their queries.

This will help you build your image as an expert in that field and may earn you some fame as well. If you are looking to establish a career within your industry, blogging may give you a boost. Your work can make noticeable among the crowd.

With the mix of excellent quality information and SEO, you can reach thousands to the people globally. You can enter to the different parts of the world and help people with the knowledge you have. If we talk of a more significant level, You can be a contributor to a specific industry to enhance and add to its knowledge pool. Even on a smaller scale, you can contribute and help others who have lesser knowledge than you.

5. Expressing Yourself

Expressing Yourself

Maybe you are not an extrovert. You have your feelings and opinions which you can not share with the people in person.

You may be thinking the same what others think of, “Should I start a blog?”. Blogging will give you a medium where you can express yourself. You can express your thoughts on something. You can channelize your ideas to the outer world through your blog.

Blogging can be a friend to introverts since they can express as they want and what they want. You may have a passion for something which may sound bizarre within your community. But you definitely can not talk about it with the people of your kind.

So I believe that “should i start a blog?” is no more a confusion for you. You can start a blog, and there will be a whole community of people who will be looking for similar information or people with similar interest. So what are you waiting for?

So go and start your blog today. You may check out Most Popular Blogging Platforms for Beginners as well.

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