Tips to create plagiarism-free content for better SERP

In modern times, content writing is considered to be one of the best professions. Every john and henry are trying to generate new content and trying to start a blog website.

As the competition in this field is getting increased every day, one can also get new and unique ideas about writing.

There are already big bulls in the online marketing, leading the chart and lying on the top of the page.

It can be difficult for a new person to compete them and get rankings here. To avoid this struggle and take shortcuts, people use some ranked articles and publish them as their own content.

It is totally wrong as you are using the data of someone other without his permission, and this factor will never help to rank on SERP.

Google always likes the content that is most unique and informative for a reader. To make your content better for search engine results, try to keep it original and striking.

Tip for generating plagiarism free content

Here we will provide you with tips to help write unique content free of plagiarism and catchy for a reader.

1. Make proper research on the topic

Before writing the article or blog, it is necessary to research it so you may have an idea of what you are going to write in it.

Research can help you explore more ideas about the topic and clarify your concepts about your writing content.

Sticking with the specific topic and writing different ideas on it can be helpful for you as it will get more traffic on your page.

Topic research is the first and best way to better SEO and get a ranking on SERP.

2. Write unique about your topic

While writing an article, it is necessary to provide informative and unique content to the writers to help them in research.

Readers visit your page to get something informative. If you provide him with the same lines that someone has published in his blog, the reader will not take time to leave your page.

When you have proper research on a topic, you can easily get different ideas to convince the reader with words.

Try to be original in front of a readers and give them something new that can be worthy for them.

3. Generate a catchy title/heading

When you start writing on a topic, make sure that the title you added for your topic is catchy.

Make research on keywords and pick up the most searched title from there. Add the title or heading as people look for on search engines.

Use ‘how,’ ‘what,’ ‘who,’ and ‘where.’ This will help the readers understand what they will find in the answer.

If you want to make it more attractive, use your main keywords in the H1 title. It will help to better the SERP of the article.

4. Keep the text in the flow

Once you have started writing your article, focus on your keyword and write about it with good fluency.

If you start giving unrelated examples in your writing, it will distract a user’s mind, and he will instantly leave the topic.

Stick to your topic and write everything related to the keyword to increase content fluency and make it more readable and understanding.

5. Cite the sources

In writing, you have to convince a reader with examples and surveys to make his mind clear and trust your words.

If you are using someone other’s survey in your content, always source the cite from where you have taken the lines.

It will be better for SEO of content and can also ease a reader. If one is willing to get further details, source citing can be helpful there.

6. Use images in the content

Adding an image in the article increases its beauty. It raises the interest of a reader. A picture can tell hundreds of stories.

A reader who is unable to clear the concepts from the article can take help from the pictures. Different visuals in the content can convey the actual message more powerfully.

Another benefit of adding images in the content is that articles can be ranked on google in the image section.

It can be helpful to better SERP. So, try to add some visuals to the text and make it more attractive.

7. Use plagiarism checker

After writing the content, always use an online plagiarism checker to ensure there is no copied line in the text.

Plagiarism checkers match entire article with different databases on the internet and point out the content taken from other sources.

It is told earlier to cite the source so if any copied line is present in the article, and it wouldn’t be counted as a plagiarized data.

When the plagiarism checking tools point out copied content, a user can remove that data and make his content unique again to get ranked in SERP.

8. Remove grammatical errors

Grammar errors in the content can break the fluency of the whole text. An article with grammar errors can confuse a reader.

So, try to keep your content free of grammatical errors and maintain the grammar rules so the audience can easily understand your message.

9. Proofread before publishing

Hopefully, a person writing the content in his own words and getting rankings on SERP will make it unique.

But still, it is important to proofread the whole content once, as one can remove the mistakes if found in the content.

This factor helps to check the natural flow of the content. Remove all the mistakes that you find while proofreading the content.

Final words

A writer must provide plagiarism-free content to the reader. A single blog or article having duplication in it can destroy the reputation of a website.

Try to be honest with your audience and provide them the original content. The steps discussed above are best for a writer to generate unique and exclusive content.

 It can help in making the SERP better and coming to the top of the page. We at Jinconnect, digital marketing agency in Bangalore help businesses create 100% plagiarism free content for their blogs. Content that is SEO optimised and that ranks.

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