7 Best On page SEO Techniques 2020 | Definition & Tools
The trending On page SEO Techniques in 2020 is something we will check today. These on page SEO techniques will help you in better site ranking in search engines. In this article, we will also discuss On Page SEO checklist and Some On Page SEO checker tools available Online.
On page SEO Definition

We can define On Page SEO as a set of certain techniques under the control of the owner of the website, which we can use on our website to achieve better rankings in the search engines. On page SEO Techniques mainly focuses on content Optimisation so that the organic ranking and traffic increase.
On Page SEO Techniques

The whole concept of SEO revolves around the targeted keywords. The idea is to optimize a website or a particular page for a specific keyword as such when a person searches for that particular keyword in a search engine, your website should be visible and ranking higher.
Also check: How to do keyword research on Google for free.
SEO is broadly classified into two types of SEO; On page SEO and Off Page SEO.
Talking about On page SEO Techniques, there are certain On-Page SEO factors which a website builder or a blogger has control over, helping the webpage rank higher.
Below are some of the famous On-Page SEO Techniques in 2020 you should consider:
These are some of the majors of On Page SEO checklist. If you have a website and want it to rank, you must have an updated on page SEO checklist. So Below are some of the factors you need to look into for a good on page optimization.
Meta Title
The meta title of the page should contain the focus keyword. It will have a major impact on the SEO ranking for that specific keyword. Make the title attractive to catch the eye of the reader. You should try some of the tools available online for title generation if you run out of ideas. The length of the title should not be too long. Hence the length of the should not exceed 60 characters.
Page URL
The structure of the URL of a webpage is important too. It should have the main keyword that you target. The length should be kept the least possible. The shorter the length of the URL, the better it is for SEO. Avoid using stop words in the URL of a webpage as it might harm your ranking.
Keyword Density
The Keyword on which you focus on should not be stuffed into the content. You should be using the keyword wisely in your content. The average density for the exact match keyword recommended by many experts should be between 1-3 %. We can use Synonyms if there is a need but should avoid over usage of the keyword.
Heading Tags
You should use the heading tags i.e H1, H2, H3…H6 in your content to highlight the main headings and subheadings before starting a paragraph. It not only helps the reader to navigate through but also helps the search engines to understand important headings. Use the main keywords in the headings. Use H1 only once in your post and follow with other tags to determine the structure.
Alt Text for Images
So we do use images on our website quite often. We get an option to add alt text to the images. We should not ignore that option as it helps search engines to know what image is about. As of now, search engines can’t see an image but they can read the alt text added to the image. Add the targeted keyword as an alt text to an image. It will help in better ranking.
Not having a sitemap for your website is the last mistake you should be making. A sitemap is a path the search engine crawlers will follow to know the order or structure of the website. It also helps them to go through the content available on our website. If they don’t know what our website has to offer, how will we rank?
Internal Linking
The Links from one post to another for the reference of the reader within your website is Internal Linking. It is an important feature as it can increase page views and reduce bounce rate. It helps the crawlers as well to get the depth of your website and increases the visibility of less visited pages. Make sure you build a good internal linking network within your site.
On page SEO Checker

Now let’s talk about some of the free and best on page SEO checker tools available online:
This is a very powerful tool available online which we can use to get a complete audit of our website. It can provide us with various details like the number of backlinks, competitor analysis, ideas for gaining more organic traffic, position tracking, and much more. This is a paid tool for which we need to take the subscription in order to use it.
So this is one of the famous tools available online and the favorite too many of the SEO experts. It has many features like competitive analysis, keyword research, backlink research, content research, rank tracking, and web monitoring. This tool isn’t free but definitely worth the money being invested.
This one is a good tool to use but we need to pay to utilize this one. certainly, they do have some of the amazing features available. So Site Explorer, Backlink History checker, search Explorer, and link intelligence API are the features you can expect.
Likewise others It is a very nice tool available online where you can go and insert your webpage URL to get a proper audit of that page. It gives you very fascinating results related to very minute details. The features which they provide are content Optimisation, image Optimisation, search Optimisation, external and internal links, and page speed.
Finally, you can try these On page SEO Techniques too and let us know by how much does it increase your pages ranking in the comment section. These On page SEO Techniques are the basics of SEO content writing.
Among all the tools above mentioned, I personally prefer SEMrush. So you can check the tools mentioned and see which suits your requirements.